Make a Difference
Every act of sharing helps to create a more whole and healthy society in South Africa. Woza Moya is registered as a Not-Profit Company and relies on the generosity of donors to carry out its work. We are fortunate to have a few long standing partnerships with some big donor organisations that has helped steer us forward over the years. We are also deeply grateful for our private monthly donors, no matter how small. Every cent counts!
If you are passionate about helping our cause and making social impact please consider making a financial donation to Woza Moya. It’s quick and easy to do with Zapper and each donation, big or small, helps improve the lives of the people of the Ufafa Valley. If you would like to discuss your donation with regard to accountability, feedback, current areas of need etc., please contact Woza Moya Director, Sphesihle Radebe: EMAIL US
Download the Zapper app on your smartphone, scan the QR Code above, type the amount you want to donate and press pay :)